Things To Consider When Starting Care Conversations

Things To Consider When Starting Care Conversations
Care Master | Independent Living
3 Min

Things To Consider When Starting Care Conversations

Release previous beliefs around aging or the senior care industry as you currently know it

Having had a previous experience that wasn’t the greatest memory for you, can have a huge impact on how you approach this conversation moving forward and with loved ones in your life. It’s important to know that things have improved and advanced in the last 5 years dramatically. There are now so many options and resources available to support you and your family, you just must be open to learning about and receiving support from them. There are more tools now than ever before to effectively vet or research the options available to ensure you are receiving quality care and know of your resources earlier in the process.

Involve your Loved One

Referenced in a prior article, this is important for maintaining the integrity of your loved one’s independence.  Get curious about if they have any interest in planning for the future. Meet them where they are, versus the natural inclination to guide the conversation to an immediate solution. Ask if they have thought about where they would like to go if an accident happens, or a crisis unfolds. It is okay if this topic is met with resistance or hesitation, it will not likely be a one-stop shop of answers but a continuous unfolding of conversation and planning.

Bring in Additional Support to help facilitate the conversation

This is really helpful when there are a lot of family members involved within the dynamic. Having a non-biased facilitator that isn’t bringing an emotional charge to the conversation is really helpful to inform and educate the entire team on what options exist, and what the best plan of care might look like. This is often done without the individual receiving care, at first. While including the individual is a crucial piece to the success of this conversation, it’s helpful to create a foundation of information on what exists to support and help before approaching your loved one without being informed on what resources do exist for you.