Avoid Falls Within the Home

Avoid Falls Within the Home
Care Master | Independent Living
2 Min

Avoid Falls Within the Home

3 ways to avoid falls within your house - no matter where you call home.

1) Movement that encourages balance, strength, and most importantly, fun on a daily or at the least weekly basis. Developing a walking practice is one of the best ways to work this into your life, especially if movement is not a priority currently. Making this activity and practice, fun- will ensure you keep it up and revisit it often. Join a walking club, invite a friend to join you, make a path in your house if you live in a colder climate or prefer to stay indoors. Yoga is offered at a variety of locations both in person and virtually for all levels and abilities. Take advantage of the resources available to join a group class and enjoy the benefits of socialization and movement in one activity. Dancing, swimming, and biking are all additional methods that can be fun and a great group activity.

2) Home Modifications are the easiest way to make your current living situation, conducive to any potential falls or accidents. Grab bars are an addition that can look very camouflaged with what you already have as home décor. Consider adding around the shower, toilet, as well as around doors with steps. Furniture and Chair Risers are often overlooked as a simple solution to bring the often low-sitting furniture, to an easier-to-navigate height. Showers are by far the most common place a fall occurs, having safety measures in place here earlier than later is going to set you up for success. There are many DIY routes and a lot of the supplies needed are at your local hardware store. If you are unable to install or acquire these items on your own, contact your local senior center for additional resources on getting connected to what you need. These are all well worth the initial investment, saving you future injury and potential hospital stay post-fall.

3) Physical and/or Occupational Therapy is often thought of post-injury or post-accident when it can truly be added at any stage of life. Think of this as having a trainer or consider a trainer if that feels more aligned with your current status. There is great value in working with someone qualified to guide you on this movement journey that can not only hold you accountable but track your progress and help to notice any potential subtle changes before a crisis arises.